Scripture for Today: | I want to start something today. I can't promise I'll make a post everyday along these lines, but I will try at least 2-3 times a week. Here's what I want to do. My primary spiritual discipline each morning when I come into the office is to spend about 30 minutes reading scripture, praying, and reading comments from various Christians on a weekly theme. I am going to list the scripture for that day in the column at the left and then share some brief thoughts on that scripture. If I get it working properly, you can click on the scripture link to be taken to a page that will let you read the scripture. Read the scripture(s) and then my thoughts. With that said, let's begin... |
Having been influenced by a charismatic interpretation of that scripture, I used it as a passage to claim physical healing of the body. There is more, though, than just a physical healing that comes about through the stripes that Jesus endured on our behalf. In reality, a physical healing will only prolong this earthly life for a few more days. In the light of eternity, it is not physical healing that our soul ultimately craves. Our soul longs for a spiritual healing that comes through Christ's death on the cross because of our sins. So, I won't tell you not to claim that verse to help with your physical healing. Do it. First realize, however, that unless your soul is right with God all the physical healing in the world will not stop you from the spiritual death that awaits you if you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Please share with me your thoughts on this matter by making a comment.