I think that too many church members like to relegate things to committees. If there is a committee, then whatever the task may be, becomes the responsibility of the committee members. Unfortunately, such attitudes are detrimental to the overall growth and function of the church.
To be a disciple means that you are actively engaged in the ministries and life of the church. It’s not the responsibility of the evangelism committee to do all the evangelism. It’s not the responsibility of the worship committee to do all the worshiping. It’s not the responsibility of the Shepherd Team to do all the caring. It’s not the responsibility of the Hospitality Team to … do you get my point?
Most people act as if the only team that they are on is the sit-in-pews-on-Sunday-morning-team. Don’t get me wrong it’s nice to have bodies in the pews, but those bodies have to want to carry on the ministry of the church and not just assume that someone else is going to do the ministry—for them.
That is one key to being a disciple that makes other disciples. You have to want to get ACTIVELY involved in ministry and mission and not just leave it to someone else.