Friday April 11, 2014 : Fish Fry to Raise Money for Vacation Bible School
- 540 pieces of fish fried
- 150 pounds of potatoes baked
- 6 -107 oz cans of baked beans served
- 40 pounds of hush puppies
- 6 large sheet cakes for dessert
- 15 + pounds of cole slaw
- 5 gallons of cooking oil
- Lot's of hard work by lot's of people
- A fellowship hall packed with folks from all over the community for nearly two hours
- Final result: $1416 raised for our Vacation Bible School
- 30 children
- 1200+ easter eggs
- 5 prize baskets
- 200+ cookies
- A few gallons of kool aid
- A great time for helpers, parents, and kids
- 110 persons in attendance
- 35 musicians and choir members
- 1 narrator
- 45 minutes of exquisite music
- 1 elated director
- A great opportunity to worship God
- 128 slides with musical background
- 1 loaf of bread and one chalice of juice
- 1 tub of water
- 14 stations of the cross
- 8 participants
- One solemn service tinged with hope and possibility
- 15 routes within our neighborhood
- 250+ homes in the neighborhood
- 2734 items collected
- $50 in cash for the ongoing project
- Some hard workers that collected, counted, and sorted
All in all, a busy, but extremely fruitful time in the life of our church. I sincerely want to thank everyone that had a part in any of these activities. Thanks for showing up and helping out. Your service will be of benefit to many.